
martes, 13 de noviembre de 2007

IECAs versus ARAII en el tratamiento de la HTA esencial

Los antagonistas de los receptores del a Angiotensina II (ARA II) han intentado desbancar a los inhibidores de la enzima convertasa (IECAs) de su lugar en la terapéutica en la HTA. El Duke Evidence-based Practice Center ha preparado un excelente informe sobre la utilización de ambos fármacos en la HTA. Han dividido el informe respondiendo a 3 preguntas clave que hagan elegir a uno sobre el otro:
Key Question 1. For adult patients with essential hypertension, how do ACEIs and ARBs differ in blood pressure control, cardiovascular risk reduction, cardiovascular events, quality of life, and other outcomes?

Key Question 2. For adult patients with essential hypertension, how do ACEIs and ARBs differ in safety, adverse events, tolerability, persistence, and adherence?

Key Question 3. Are there subgroups of patients based on demographic characteristics (age, racial and ethnic groups, sex), use of other medications concurrently, or comorbidities for which ACEIs or ARBs are more effective, associated with fewer adverse events, or better tolerated?

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