
martes, 23 de diciembre de 2008

Con mis mejores deseos

Imagen descargada de aquí.

5 comentarios:

  1. Bonita tu tarjeta de felicitación. Por una vez, salgo de la mayoria silenciosa para desearte una Feliz Navidad
    Juan Carlos López (el vecino de la calle siete)
    un abrazo

  2. Feliz Nochebuena, Vicente.

  3. Congratulations for your excellent blog! And thank you for your encouragements!

    French physicians could learn a lot from your open-mindedness and your ability to encourage patients to express themselves and persevere in their efforts to raise awareness about conflicts of interests, consumer protection issues, the lack of independent medical information and so on.

    You and No Gracias! and some others Spanish physicians whom I'm in contact with should teach some lessons to your French colleagues, who are very chilly when it comes to recognizing the right of patients to participate in all decisions and to criticize medical slippery slopes.

    The organized French independent physicians behave as if they could achieve alone the suppression of the pharmaceutical corruption and conflicts of interest...

    Even if their discourse remains "politically correct", their actions show they contest the patients' ability to achieve empowerment.

    I mean a mutual empowerment, the one that is accomplished by working hand in hand with independant physicians in order to reject the influence of the pharmaceutical industry on the healthcare system.

    Let's hope 2009 will bring some changes... (But I don't believe in miracles).

    You should write a paper about how you see mutual empowerment or some related aspects. I promise you to translate it for Pharmacritique. (I read Spanish and quote Spanish physicians quite often on the blog, but I'm somewhat ashamed to try to express myself directly).

    Hats off to your writings and keep doing the good work!
    Best wishes,
    Pharmacritique ;-)

  4. Gracias a la gente de Pharmacritique por sus amables comentarios y prometo escribir un artículo sobre las relaciones de cooperación mutua entre pacientes y médicos, algo en lo que creo fervientemente.

  5. Felices Fiestas Dr. Baos, será un placer seguirle leyendo el año próximo
